About Me


Welcome to my Blog.

Here's a little about me...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

My name is Barbara, I am a Registered Dietitian...I have both my bachelors and my masters degrees in nutrition and I work part-time in the mornings as a medical weight loss dietitian, and then I spend my afternoons and evenings chasing after my busy little toddler!

I am a christian wife and mom. My handsome sweet hubby is the love of my life, and my adorable pumpkin pie...I mean son...is my pride and joy. He is 16 months and busy doesn't even begin to describe it haha!

I never before had to lose weight, or had an issue with my weight. Not until I was pregnant with my son, when hormones went hay wire and I somehow (still not sure how), managed to gain over 80 lbs! HOLY COW! And, get this...I did NOT give birth to an 80 lb baby, and as much as I'd like to think it was all water weight, lets be real, it wasn't.

I am an emotional eater and found the stresses of mommy hood and sleepless nights plus my ravenous appetite from nursing, were sending me to the fridge more often than I'd care to admit. I also found it extremely frustrating that my self-care simply plummeted. All you mommas out there can understand when I say that a shower was a LUXURY! It was such a rough transition for me, taking care of this adorable helpless little human which I love so much, not having any time for myself, and feeling so self conscious about my body now too.

Lets talk weight. Yep, this is really hard for me to do, but essential, so no judging, ok?

Before I was pregnant with my son, I weighed 145 lbs. I am 5'6.5" (that half inch matters to me...) so this was appropriate for me. I had gained about 10 lbs from college to getting married but it was no big deal to me. 

After I had my son, I weighed 232 lbs. Yes, you read that right... 232 lbs. I was so embarrassed by myself. I felt disgusting. I am a dietitian for heavens sake! I am expected to be fit and healthy and here I was, weighing over 230 lbs. I tried to watch what I ate and tried exercising when I could and slowly, over the course of the first year, my weight dropped from 232 lb to 175lb...Which I was proud of but still not even close to where I wanted to be.

I got some money for Christmas 2013, and decided to invest it in my health by using to purchase my first shakeology and beachbody workout- p90x3. I was nervous! I wasn't sure if I could stick to it, but I knew there was a 90 day money back guarantee so I decided to risk it...and I am so so glad I did! I got in contact with my coach, Melanie Mitro, and she plugged me into some challenge groups and that's when everything just clicked for me! I studied nutrition for 5+ years, not counting my internship training and 4+ years as a practicing dietitian, but knowledge does NOT equal behavioral change. It wasn't until I got the support, the help, the accountability, that my life started taking on drastic changes. I learned how to balance my time. I learned how to prioritize my health and fitness. I learned how to menu plan without driving myself crazy (the dietitian in me over complicates food too often), and I learned that the key to success is NOT perfection...I did not have to be perfect all the time in order to achieve results. But what I DID have to do is keep trying and never give up. 

Every day, I pushed forward towards my goals. Yes, I had some off days, even some off MONTHS when the flu went through our home, but I still kept trying. I still refused to give up. No amount of sleepless nights or crazy hectic days could stop me, because I was COMMITTED. And guess what happens when you commit? CHANGE! Even when you don't feel like its happening, it is.

I weighed myself today and I am currently at 146.4 lb, essentially at my pre-baby weight! Now, my next goal is to get down to 135 lb, which is my college weight. It is amazing how my self confidence has improved. How my mood has improved. How my life has changed!

In my outpatient medical weight-loss clinic, one consistent thing that everyone has in common, is that EVERYBODY needs that person in their life to tell them that they can do this. To let them know that they are not alone on this journey. To cheer them on, show them their potential, lift them up, and to hold them accountable to their goals. Dietitians are not exempt. I am so thankful that I was able to get plugged in with my coach and realize that my goals could be attained with hard work and accountability. 

I may not be at my goals yet, but through my coach and connection with others on this journey, I know it won't be long until I am there! 

If you'd like me to help you achieve the same results (or better!), fill out the form below and I'd love to be in contact with you to help you with your journey and achieve your own goals!

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