Thursday, May 8, 2014

A dietitians review of Shakeology

Shakeology: A Dietians Review

I've been getting a lot of questions lately about what shakeology is, my thoughts on it as a dietitian, is it worth the money, and why I choose to replace one meal a day with it. So, it seemed fitting today for me to do a thorough review of the product.

Before we even get started with this discussion, let's start with what shakeology is NOT- just to clear the air.

1) it is NOT a weight loss shake.
2) it is NOT a fad diet.
3) it is NOT a protein powder.

What IS Shakeology?

Now that we know what it is NOT, let's discuss what it IS. It is a complete balanced meal replacement shake boasting over 70 natural ingredients loaded with phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help increase your energy levels, curb your cravings, improve your mood, your digestion, and keep you feeling full and on track with your eating.  It is perfectly balanced with carbs, protein and fat to be suitable as an actual complete meal replacement shake, vs simply a protein powder.

It is quick, convenient, blends well (even in a shaker cup), and tastes great.

Now, I mentioned it is not a weight loss shake, but, many people (such as myself), do end up losing weight when drinking it, simply because it greatly reduces cravings, gives my body nutrients it can actually use, and gives me the energy to nail my workouts day in and day out (even with sleepless nights with my baby!). And no, there is no caffeine- that energy is simply a natural byproduct of properly fueling my body. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that since drinking shakeology daily, I cannot tell you how much my hair and nails have grown and how great my skin looks- I get comments every day on my "glow", and I wear much less make-up than I used to!

I personally love this meal replacement shake and I drink it DAILY. It's really nice not to have to worry about planning and prepping that one extra meal a day, and I can rest assured that I am only fueling my body with the best. Plus, anyone who has a toddler can relate when I say that you can't always sit down and get a complete nutritious meal 3 times a day. Let's be real here.

My personal trial...

I didn't love it at first though.

At first I thought it was an over priced expensive gimmick that I didn't need.

But then I tried it. In fact, before trying it, I was convinced that it would be the same thing as just drinking a much cheaper whey protein powder that I could buy off the shelves from target. So I did my own personal 7 day trial of it. I knew I was trying it risk free because of their bottom of the bag guarantee, so there really was nothing to lose.

For 14 days, I ate nothing but the same meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, subbing out a meal replacement shake or whey protein shake for lunch daily. The first week I used shakeology , and the second week, I used a regular whey protein shake, both blended the same way. I was seriously blown out of the water with how great I felt on shakeology. Full of energy, improved moods, and a drastic decrease in cravings. When I was drinking the whey shakes the following week, I was CONSTANTLY tired, hungry, and went off plan several times with my eating with increased cravings.

And it only makes sense if you think about it- when I was using the whey protein powder instead, my body was not getting everything it needed. I was lacking essential vitamins and minerals not including an imbalance of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and fat. That imbalance led my body to do what it was naturally inclined to do- which is hunt for foods that will give it those missing nutrients. Cue the cravings.

However, when drinking shakeology, my body was fueled with the right balance of micro and macronutrients that left me satisfied, full, and in control.

So why else do I drink shakeology? Because it has also been shown to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve irritable bowel syndrome, and reduce gastric reflux. I am blessed that I currently don't battle any of those, but I have a family history of it, so whatever I can do now to avoid it, I will! It also helps to build and repair muscles post workouts.

Plus, it is gluten free, soy free, and certified low glycemic index.

And what about for nursing moms?

Well, I AM a nursing mom!!! And yes, my son is 16 months old, but he still nurses 4-5 times a day and much prefers moms milk over cows milk, which I am perfectly ok with! I am convinced that because of shakeology, and fueling my body with a perfect balance, that this is why I have not experienced a dip in my milk supply through the process of losing over 80 lbs.

Now let's talk cost.

I am a huge penny pincher. No joke, I ration out the toilet paper my family uses each week, I cloth diaper my son, and I have been wearing the same pair of shoes for the past two years which were originally purchased used from the thrift shop. With that said, I still think shakeology is worth every penny for it's high quality ingredients. It averages out to about $4 a meal which is a small price to pay for the impact it can have on your life (and I am speaking from first hand experience). When's the last time you were able to run out and grab a quick lunch for less than $5 AND have it be clean and nutritious?!

There ARE ways to save money on shakeology if you are serious about using it to maintain your health and help you meet your goals. Email me and I can show you how to save anywhere from $60-$90 plus an extra 25% off each month.

If you still have questions, or are ready to try it out for yourself- click here or shoot me an email and I will help ya out!

Cheers to good health! 


  1. since i started shakeology, every month I had the worst PMS Mood swings, period cramps. Like I am dying on the floor seriously thought I had a miscarriage or something! I also gained 20lbs in 6 months. I only wanted a breakfast replacement and a way to workout indoors. I never needed to lose weight. I weighed 125 and gained like 10lbs in like 2 months. When I talked to my "coach" she said that I was not committed enough, exercising and eating properly. she totally shifted the blame on to me. When I had never had problems gaining weight since I learned to eat clean 5 years ago. it's pretty messed up bc they get inside your head and try to tell you you're not athletic or eat well enough. it didn't work on me because I was already active and athletic and a super clean eater!. Although there are not ENOUGH bad reviews for this product and I can see why people MAY get confused and think its ok to sell. You all have been warned. Thanks for posting! I feel like i DESTROYED years worth of fitness to my body. It is no ones fault but mine. feel free to ask for more details. My ladies cycle is back to normal like magically instantly!

    1. That is super unfortunate that your coach approached you like that! That must have been crazy frustrating! There are a lot of factors that can go into play with weight. I have studied nutrition for 7 years..have my bachelors and Masters degrees in nutrition, am a registered dietitian with good standing and work from INTEGRITY and HEART helping others to get in the best shape of their lives. I researched shakeology intensively and fully support its role in changing and improving ones health and have had COUNTLESS testimonies from challengers who also share my same experience. Like I said, I am extremely disappointed that you were treated as such because that is NOT how a coach should act, just from an ethical stand point and I am also sorry you were not happy with your shakeology experience. You can most definitely call customer relations and get your full money back. The company 100% backs their products. And if you ever have any questions for me feel free to ask! God bless!! Xoxo
