Happy Sunday everyone! What a beautiful day to start a fresh new week.
We went to church this morning, running late as always it seems. It is so incredibly difficult to get out of the house on time with a toddler. You moms out there with more than one- hats off to you!
At church today, the word really spoke to my heart. We discussed the book of Mark chapter 8, when Jesus healed the blind man from Bethesda and the importance of bringing him out of his environment to do so. You see, sometimes our environment feeds our condition. Sometimes we have to get outside of our environment or comfort zones in order for miracles to happen.
Jesus literally spit in the eyes of the blind man and the blind man did not get upset. Why? Because he was so desperate for healing that he was willing to try anything. He was sick and tired of his condition and willing to do whatever it takes to bring healing and vision back to his life.
After God healed the blind man, He told him not to go back. Not to return. Evil company corrupts good character. There are some things and places in life that we just simply cannot return to. Make no provisions for the flesh. THAT, my friends, is where the transforming and renewing of the mind occurs. Whom the Son has set free is free indeed.
If we look at how God healed the blind man, it wasn't in a single step. Sometimes healing is progressive.
What God started in our lives, He will be faithful to complete, but it means we too must buckle down and do our part. We have to be willing to leave our comfort zone, change our environment, obey Gods commands and never return. We have to be willing to try with all our might, not just once- but repeatedly, refusing to go back. Healing is progressive.
I feel like today's word can really apply to weight-loss. One of the key steps to successful weight loss is changing our environment. I often teach my patients how to "weight proof" their home. Removing the tempting foods entirely. We must make no provisions for the flesh. You cannot eat what's not there, don't test your will power, take control over the situation and remove it entirely.
Then we have to be willing to never go back to over indulgence, late night snacking, or turning to food to sooth a rough day. One of the problems with diets is people see them with an end date. We must remember where our old ways of eating got us and understand that if we truly want healing then we absolutely cannot go there again.
I challenge everyone to go through their homes today- cabinets, pantries, refrigerators, freezers... Go through it all, and remove the junk. Remove the tempting foods that seem to constantly set you back. Throw away what needs thrown away, remembering it's better to waste food in the trash vs in our body's. Donate to your food pantry. Post it free on craigslit (yes, I have done that before), just get it out. Remind yourself of your goals. Be desperate for healing and be confident in the Lord that with faithfulness, determination, and perseverance, change WILL happen.
Greater is He who is in us....
Now, I'm off to plan and prep for the week! I'll explain in detail later how I personally plan and prep our family for success each week, so check back soon for some unique tips and tricks to make it an awesome week!
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