Saturday, June 14, 2014

Toddler menu planning!

I've been working on menu planning this morning but not for me- for my toddler! I'm always worried if my son is getting enough, or too much of any particular nutrient, so the dietitian in me set on a quest to determine the nutrient needs and properly balanced menu for a toddler age 12-36 months- and decided to share my info, all from the Academy of Nutrition pediatric Nutriton assessment handbook, to help other mommas menu plan for their toddlers as well! 

Here's a summary of how much of each food our little munchkins need each day for healthy growth and development: 

Dairy -4-5 servings
          (milk-4oz, cheese- 1/2 oz, yogurt 4oz , cottage cheese 1/4 cup)
Carbs- 6 servings 
          (Cereal -1/3-1/2 cup, pasta- 1/4-1/3 cup, rice- 1/4-1/3 cup, bread- 1/4-1/2 slice,  crackers-2)
Fruits (including juice but no more than 4-6 oz/day)- 2-3 servings
          (1/3 cup canned or fresh- chopped)
Veggies- 2-3 servings 
          (1/4 cup= 1 serving)
Protein- 2 servings
          (Meat/fish-2-3 tbs, egg-1, beans- 1/4 cup)

So what does that actually look like in a day:

Here's just a sample day from our menu: 
Breakfast- 1 egg, 4oz whole milk yogurt, 1/2 slice whole wheat bread
Snack- organic granola bar 
Lunch- 1/3 cup organic whole wheat macaroni mixed with 1/4 cup steamed mixed veggies, and a fruit cup
Snack- 2 crackers, 1/3 cup strawberry slices 
Dinner- 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup quinoa, 1/4 cup diced steamed zucchini 
Snack (Jacob likes to have cereal after dinner!) 1/3 cup plain Cheerios 

We also offer whole milk in his straw cup all through out the day along with water and he still nurses 2-3 times a day. 

Hope this helps you moms of toddlers plan out the menus and meals! 

Happy planning :-) 

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