Friday, April 17, 2015

Women, can you just knock it off please?!?

Hey, you. 

Yes you. 

The one sitting behind the screen reading this right now. 

I'm talking to you. Especially if you are pregnant, or postpartum....if that's the case, read this twice. No, make that three times. 

Can you please just knock it off?!

Stop body checking. Stop comparing. Stop Envying. Stop wishing you were different. Stop weighing yourself every day. Stop feeling embarrassed and self conscious about your body. Stop the negative thinking. Stop worrying about your weight. Stop beating yourself up!!!


YOU.... yes YOU....are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. I HATE the unrealistic expectations put on women. From the media to the doctors office. Yes you heard me right, even the Dr.'s office (Really, who can gain only the 25 lbs recommended during pregnancy?!?! gah!).  More than that- I hate that these unrealistic expectations translate into negative self-beliefs and the reoccurring mindset that you aren't good enough just the way you are.

Now, I am not saying to stop trying to advance yourself and be passive about life. Nope. You should ALWAYS be looking for ways to improve, but NOT  because you don't love yourself...but because you DO love yourself! 

It is PERFECTLY acceptable to set goals for yourself, and in fact, I encourage it! But, you need to realize that you will not reach your goals, and maintain your goals, until you learn to


You have to first love yourself. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Love yourself to take the first step. Your heart listens to your what your mouth and mind are telling you and sorry to burst your bubble, but you will never be successful with your goals if you continue to put yourself down! What you speak into your life, whether audibly or not, you reap. God did NOT put us on this earth to feel worthless, helpless, or inadequate...We are created in HIS image. Stop insulting Him. He has MUCH bigger plans than that for our lives. 

Now, do me a favor, will ya??

Throw the scale out the window, stop comparing yourself to others wishing you could look like them, and focus your energy on building yourself up not beating yourself down. Focus on being HEALTHY and BALANCED in mind, body and spirit. 

Just do your best to BE  healthy, Feel healthy. Stop labeling yourself.

Hey, you. Yes you. (especially me)....Go and just be YOU.


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