Seriously, sitting here trying to type this, there are few words to express the extreme gratitude I have.
Essentially, everything I did via out patient counseling as a medical weight loss dietitian, I get to do as a coach.
From home.
With my son.
Never missing a moment with him.
Never having to worry about calling out sick to stay with him.
Not having to pay a sitter or nanny to come and watch him while I go to work. Its all from home.
Talk about a blessing!!!!!
The only difference really, is that I get to help MORE people!
See, with my clinic work, as an out patient medical weight loss dietitian, I am limited to seeing patients based on what insurance will cover, and lets face it, insurance is not always fair with who they will cover. And not just that, I am limited to how frequently I can see my patients.
Once a month was the maximum I could get, so thats what I did. See, with my challenge groups, my challengers get me as their dietitian FREE, and DAILY.
I don't have to worry about trying to bill insurance. No dealing with scheduling conflicts. No limits based on location since everything is done online. My reach to helping people is limitless, really. I have challengers from all across the nation and some international as well. No way could I reach these wonderful people had I staid within the walls of my out patient office. By stepping outside of the traditional way a dietitian does things, I am able to help SO MANY MORE. It really is incredibly rewarding.
I have gotten a lot of questions lately about WHAT coaching is, HOW do you make money, and WHY would anyone want to do I am inviting you to join us TOMORROW to check it out! All this is is to learn more about what coaching is all about. What drives this burning passion inside me?

This FREE coaching OPEN HOUSE is for ANYONE curious about coaching. All you have to do is CLICK HERE: and voila, you are in :-)
If you want to join in this exclusive sneak peek, shoot me a message and let me know you plan on attending and that way and can watch out for your beautiful face in the group and clear some extra time in my schedule to answer whatever questions you have!
I coach to change other peoples lives because coaching changed my life. I was NOT at my goal when I started coaching....but through coaching, I was able to have that extra bit of accountability to keep myself on is sometimes hard to share my before and after pictures but I do find it necessary sometimes to help explain how much my life has changed.
From the pictures you can see my progress from 190lbs down to 142 lbs...but what you cannot see was how this changed my self confidence in myself. Pictures don't capture the feeling of victory when you can slide back into pre-pregnancy pants. Pictures cannot capture how my marriage improved along with my attitude and mood when I actually felt proud and accomplished and confident.
When I say coaching changed my life, I seriously mean it from the inside out.
Anyways--- If you have every been the least bit interested in coaching or are ready to see your life change as you help others change their life too.... then check out the free 5 day sneak peek!
Hope to see ya'll there!!! XOXO
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