oiy,,,,Day one and I already want to throw in the towel.

Don't act surprised...Dietitians struggle too, and those that don't are liars. WE ARE HUMAN!!! More than I want to throw in the towel, I want to finish these 21 days. TWENTY ONE DAYS. thats it. I can do this.
I totally nailed my nutrition today,

Jacob is seeing an occupational therapist to help him with a few things like kicking a ball and using utensils and one of his homework assignments this week was to try chocolate pudding to see if that would motivate him to use a spoon. Well, this kid is not allowed that stuff usually so he has never ever even tasted chocolate pudding. So we bought chocolate pudding to do his homework and when he refused to try it, I was SO tempted to eat the remaining! I am so thankful though to have my challenge group there to support me though and I proudly tossed the pudding in the trash. May seem like a simple thing but really, thats huge for me.
I completely forgot how much food is on the 21 day fix plan! man those green containers hold a lot! I have NOT been eating enough vegetables (until today that is..)! I also conveniently forgot what a proper portion of carbs looks like haha...glad I have my little cups to keep me on track! have I mentioned how much I LOVE the 21 day fix portion cups?! its a genius system.
Day one- I did NOT want to do my workout. I was up with Caleb at 12 am, 2 am, 3 am, 5 am...hubby woke me up at 6:30 am and I was up with Jacob at 7am. Lets just say I am TIRED.

It was really just ONE OF THOSE DAYS! I think Jacob completely forgot how to listen today. Misbehaving up a storm! Refused to nap. Refused meals. pulling my hair. Just completely acting out. Not sure if it is just a normal thing adjusting to his brother? or perhaps because he was too tired since refusing to nap? well...once 7:30 finally rolled around, I sat on the couch for a minute and cried. Fellow moms, I know you can relate!
After my pitty party was over, I strapped on my sports bra, slipped on my Nikes and pressed play anyway. And boy am I glad I did. I feel so much better mentally now that I sweat it out! Physically I feel like Jello though lol! what a great total body workout! phew!
I SURVIVED DAY ONE! one day at a time...one day at a time.
if you are wondering what the 21 day fix is, check out my previous blog that details it
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