Saturday, May 10, 2014

The 21 day fix for men: tips for increasing your vegetable intake

The 21 day fix menu planning for men: how to increase your vegetable intake. 

Hi everyone! Ok so you may have already seen my post reviewing the 21 day fix. Today is my planning day, so let's talk about men following the 21 day fix eating plan. 

Like I said before, my whole family is following the fix eating plan, as it is such a simple plan to follow and a perfect balance of perfect portions. 

You may be shocked though when you see how many servings of vegetables the men get and you may be wondering "how in the world am I going to get THAT many vegetables in my diet?! 

My husbands fix portions include 6 cups of non-starchy vegetables PER DAY! HOLY MOLY that's tough to plan into a week! That's why I am making this post, so that you men out there considering the fix can see how we do it. 

It takes some serious planning to fit 6 cups of veggies into my hubby each day but we do it! Here's how: 

Each day, I ensure he gets at least 3 cups of vegetables before dinner, sometimes 4. Then at dinner he gets 2-3 cups of vegetables depending on what he ate earlier in the day. 

We squeeze the day time vegetable servings into the form of carrot sticks as a snack and 2 cups steamed veggies with his chicken he eats for lunch. Then if we want a 4th daytime serving he will have celery sticks.

Then at dinner I usually offer two vegetables. So, for instance, it might be a cup of clean cole slaw and 2 cups of dark green leafys (I keep it simple), or a cup of mashed cauliflower, a cup of dark green leafys and a cup of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. By adding two or more veggies it adds more variety to the plate vs serving 3 cups of just broccoli which can look like an overwhelming amount of vegetables on one plate! It helps us to add salad as one of the servings each day as it's pretty mindless and no prep involved so it's an easy addition. 

My brother in law is also following the 21 day fix and the way he gets his 6 cups of veggies a day is by having carrot sticks for snack, 1 cup dark green leafys, and 1 cup cucumber slices through the day (either in the form of a salad or clean sandwich toppings), and then 3 servings at dinner, as described above.

And no, you cannot sub out a green container (vegetable serving) in order to add an extra yellow container (carbohydrate serving). Remember, it's about balance, and getting your calories from the right types of foods to properly fuel your workouts, shed the fat, build your muscles and reach your highest potential! 

Just to give you a heads up about what's coming this week too, I will be working on building up my recipe tab and I plan to organize my recipes by container color to help those on the 21 day fix plan out there menus. So, I vow to make this coming week "green week" so each day, in addition to my daily insight, motivation, and other ramblings I post, I will post a new clean veggie recipe and veggie snack ideas to get you started on your planning and to help you increase your veggie intake so check back later this week! 


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