Yep, thats right, you read that correctly. Self-discipline is overrated. I DO NOT rely on self discipline when it comes to my diet and exercise. If I did, I would be in big trouble. Instead, I rely HEAVILY on defined routines and systems!!!!!
Creating systems and routines when it comes to my diet and exercise WORKS, my will power on the other hand, that's a different story! When I set clearly defined routines and execute them, I don't need to rely on my very limited will power. Now, don't get me wrong- it still takes will power to execute what I have planned, but not nearly as much as going willy nilly about my days and weeks just kinda hoping everything will go as it should without a plan.
Many people I work with have told me- "I am just not one to plan- I don't do well with set routines...." ....WRONG. I strongly believe that everyone needs to get into a rhythm that works for them. That rhythm and routine needs to be something that they are able to duplicate day in and day out. Meaning on the good days, and on the bad days. On the days they are feeling motivated and on the, well, lazy days for lack of better words. I know from my own experience.
One thing that leads many people to failure with their diet and fitness plans is when life happens. You know, you have car trouble, troubles at work, kids are misbehaving, someone gets sick- when life throws you for a loop. The first response internally is to revert back to old habits and routines. That's why it is so vital to not just rid yourself of old habits- but CREATE new ones that can be SUSTAINED through the ups and downs of life!
So what this looks like for me in my life, diet, and fitness is following the same diet plan with only minor tweaks daily. Our weekly menu (for the most part) is almost ALWAYS the same: monday is meatloaf, tuesday is fish tacos, wednesday is baked chicken, thursday is salmon, friday is date night, saturday is chilli and sunday is crock pot chicken. repeat. repeat. repeat. Occasionally, if I know that its going to be a hectic week, Ill do all one thing- for instance, this week is chicken, chicken and more chicken. I have done all salmon in the past too. spinach and salmon, spinach and salmon. Until things calm down and I can focus on the meals again. Keeping this same pattern for dinners is a SANITY saver and helps to keep me and my family on track. When you focus on eating to fuel your body vs entertainment and enjoyment, meal planning and prepping takes on a whole different level.
And on the same note, our breakfast, lunch and snacks hardly ever change as well. It keeps us in a rhythm and routine that WORKS.
One thing I will be focusing my attention on this month is building the habit of waking up at 5 am to do my workout. I am a work in progress :-) Lately I have been doing my workouts whenever my son lets me which means it could be in the afternoon, mornings, or late evenings. It gets done, but I don't like that feeling of not knowing when. Yes, I am a creature of habit.
So, folks- lets take personal responsibility for our own lives, create our own sustainable routines, kick excuses to the curb, and stop giving ourselves the option to do something we have already set our minds not to do. Lets create our own success stories!!!!
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