Sunday, October 26, 2014


I am SOOOOOO exited to start my p90 journey tomorrow!

I FINALLY opened the box I received earlier this week and thought I would write a quick blog post with everything that comes in the P90 challenge pack!!!

So... first of all...when you order a challenge pack- you save big fact- P90 is on sale until the end of the month, saving a total of $70 vs purchasing shakeology and the program individually. Pretty awesome.

Soon after you order (I usually get my stuff within 3-5 business days), you will get a pretty blue box delivered from either fed ex or the USPS....It really is like Christmas when it arrives. It looks like this....

And when you open'll find the tools that can totally transform you!!!! Check out these before and after pictures from the pilot test groups!!! Ya, I think it's safe to say that the program works...  haha! One of my favorite things to do is to look at before and after pictures. No, I am not a creeper, it is just motivating.

So, the first thing in the box that you'll find is your Shakeology order- which is a super nutrient dense meal replacement shake. You can read my personal review of it here.  I have tried a TON of meal replacement shakes and this is the one I personally use for myself and my family. Being a pregnant Dietitian, I am very particular about what I put into my body. You can either get the bag which has 30 servings or the packets which has 24 servings. This time I opted for the tripple combo pack since it gives me the flexibility to toss a few packs in my diaper bag for quick lunches when were out and about to keep me on track. Plus, I really love all the flavors so I like to change things up a bit!

If you are interested in just trying it for taste, I do offer samples for $5 each....sometimes its nice to "try before you buy". 


Underneath the Shakeology, is my new prized posession....THE P90 PROGRAM!

First thing I found when I opened the box was a surprise freebie! I LOVE how beachbody always tosses in a little extra something. I cannot be the only one who gets overly excited for free stuff lol! 

I eagerly pulled everything out of the box...seriously I am probably the most impatient person in the world when it comes to this stuff! I want to see it all and I want to see it now!!!!

The P90 program comes with 10 workouts to rotate through the 3 month schedule, it comes with the workout schedule, pretty awesome diet book which simplifies nutrition (has the dietitian thumbs up on this one), plus some extra goodies too. What I was most excited about (besides the surprise freebie), is that it comes with litterally everything you need. Including the workout band AND the door pull up adapter! Lets be real, I cannot do a pull up, especially being in my 6th month of pregnancy...I have seriously wanted to get one of these for the longest time but just always forget to check when I am at the store, so to include this little attachment for free, well, it makes me happy lol.
 And there you have it!!!!!

That is everything that comes in the P90 challenge pack!

If you are interested in joining me on my journey, I would love to have you in my group and be your personal accountability partner! My group starts TOMORROW, so don't delay filling out the application and I will get right back to you with all of the details.

Because I am doing this program with you and relying on YOU for my own daily support, I am taking things a step further and not just going to coach you daily, but I am offering a few things:

1) I will be showing you how to get the program/ shakeology at my price (aka- I am willing to give up my commission to save you some money)
2) I will be available for you daily for the 90 days to be your personal dietitian and cheerleader. Need help menu planning? I got your back! (insurance literally pays hundreds of dollars for ONE dietitian are essentially getting 90 visits, free of charge from the comfort of YOUR home, on YOUR time.) 
3) I will be also giving out $25 gift cards to the 5 people who I choose to be a part of this group. 

So, what was your excuse to getting fit again?

I am litterally willing to do anything in my power to help you get in the best shape of your life. To help you get fit, healthy and confident.



Because I know what it feels like to need that extra push to get started.

Because I know what it feels like to be close to 100 pounds over weight.

And most of all....

Because I know how fantastic it feels to be successful.

I have personally lost 93 pounds through challenge groups, and I want to pay that forward to 5 other individuals with this group. 

So please- don't hesitate to apply here!!!!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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