So the weather is warming up like crazy right now and summer is right around the corner! Which means tank tops, shorts, and swim suits (or for those who are more modest, like myself- tanktops and capri's haha!)... Are YOU ready for the warmer months ahead?!
I am only 1 lb away from having lost an even 90 lbs and only 8 lbs away from my goal. 8 lbs! thats going from 232 lb to 135 lb!!! I can't tell you how many times it felt impossible but I am SO CLOSE! That means I am cracking down on my diet and pushing my workouts harder than ever before, I have a goal of losing that last 8 lbs before June 25th, which is our 3 year wedding anniversary!
I seriously cannot tell you how thankful I am that I finally made that decision 4 months ago to get plugged in with a coach, join a challenge group, take the plunge and order my challenge pack and commit to drinking shakeology daily, following proper portions of a balanced diet and working out to my program. The daily accountability and support in my groups has been the key to my success, seriously. I cannot share enough with you how that has helped me achieve my goals!
So that is why I am SO stinkin' pumped and excited to offer everyone an opportunity to join my next challenge group where I will teach you exactly the same steps I have taken to lose almost 90 lbs and get in the very best shape of my life! Let me help YOU get summer ready! or wedding ready! or get your pre-baby body back! or whatever your goals may be- I want to help you reach them!

So- on to the details!
Here are all the details explained.
The challenge group that will be starting is the 21 day fix challenge group starting on May 19th. If you are wondering what the 21 day fix is, click HERE. You will learn tips on overcoming emotional eating, overcoming plateaus, how to plan your meals, what foods to eat, what proper portions look like and so much more, with daily support and accountability! We will start out with a week of plan and prep to get you 100% ready to hit the ground running for the full 21 days to ensure you get the very best results possible. You'll get ALL the tools needed for success, including ME as your personal dietitian for the full 21 days (and beyond if you choose to continue)!
As a part of this group- you must be ready to COMMIT to change. There are 3 components that you commit to for the course of the 21 days:
1) working out daily for 30 minutes with the program (the 21 day fix workouts in this case)
2) proper nutrition (following the 21 day fix diet plan) and portions including Shakeology (an awesome, CLEAN, very nutrient dense meal replacement shake that kicks cravings, gives you natural energy and helps you get the best results possible- read my review HERE)
3) Daily accountability by checking in to the closed Facebook group
Its only a 21 day commitment, AND there is a money back guarantee, so what do you have to lose?! I promise, you will be changed forever if you just give me 21 days!
So if you are interested, what steps do you need to do?
1) go to my site and sign up for a free account.
2) If you have questions, email me at
3) You can purchase your challenge pack by clicking HERE- With the Shakeology- the bag vs individual packets contains more serving sizes and chocolate Shakeology is the most popular and my personal favorite!
4) If you already have the 21 day fix program and just need the Shakeology, then click HERE- Make sure to select the home delivery (HD) option as it will save you at least $15 and with me as your coach, I will remind you in 3 weeks to either change your flavor, or cancel and there's no penalties for canceling so it's totally worth the savings.
So why order the challenge pack?
Well, this is how I did it- first of all, it contains essentially everything you need for success- a fitness program, diet plan, shakeology, and me as your coach. Its not a gimmick, its actually very simple:
Plus, you all know I am a crazy penny pincher, right? Well, the challenge packs save anywhere from $30- $95!
And, if you are looking to save even more, and you are really ready to commit to change, then you can sign up to be a coach HERE, and click "be a coach". You can do this strictly to receive the 25% off each month on your Shakeology (thats about $30 off each month, which comes out to ~$3/ meal) and do NOTHING with it except get your discount or you can ask me how to actually coach others to their goals too! Like I said, there is nothing more rewarding than helping others realize their potential and helping them meet their goals! To be a coach, there is a $15 a month fee but the initial $40 fee is waived with the purchase of a challenge pack, so if you are considering coaching down the road and you want to join the challenge group, then now is the time! there is no penalty to cancel and you still receive the same 30 day guarantee!
Anyways, hope that answers all of the questions that everyone has about my upcoming challenge group! If you are READY to commit and want my help, follow the steps above or send me an e-mail at or message me on facebook!
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